Sunday, May 5, 2013

WW Project - Getting Back on Track

A year ago, I started the WW Project. Things happen in our lives that may cause things to not go as planned.  The last year has been an interesting one. I'll fill you in on some of those events at at later time.

Left: June 2012 Right: April 2013
By this time, I should have been half-way to my goal weight. I'm proud that I've lost the 30 pounds that I have, but I'm committed to meeting my goal. I think I can still meet my goal by my target date - December 2013. It'll be tough but all projects should have a degree of toughness.

Emotional eating is my biggest hurdle. I've found that I just need to eliminate sweets, peanut butter and cheese from my house. They are major comfort foods for me.

At times, I get discouraged because 30 pounds later and I'm still wearing the same jeans. Most of the weight seems to have come off my stomach area. The picture to the right shows me in June 2012 (WW Project - Month 2) and in April 2013 - wearing the same shirt and jeans. I don't see a difference - that's kinda discouraging.

What does encourage me is that I want to be healthier, and I want to look fabulous in a Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress. I adore this coral wrap dress from DVF. I don't want to have to stress that a guy understands what I mean when I say I'm overweight and plus size. It's like they don't want to believe you, or is it that they don't have a perspective.

I have a nice mountain bike - maybe it's a hybrid - that I want to figure out how to ride. It's not like riding a bike! I don't remember shifting gears requiring so much thought. Anyhow, I hope to put some miles on it this summer.

Check back in a month, I hope to have great news to share.

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